Kirkcaldy Half marathon challenge is a family affair for Jacqueline and Lisa

Lisa and Jacqueline Cairns, who are running the Kirkcaldy Parks Half Marathon.  Pic: Walter Neilson.Lisa and Jacqueline Cairns, who are running the Kirkcaldy Parks Half Marathon.  Pic: Walter Neilson.
Lisa and Jacqueline Cairns, who are running the Kirkcaldy Parks Half Marathon. Pic: Walter Neilson.
One of Jacqueline Cairns’ biggest achievements will be crossing the finishing line in this month’s Kirkcaldy Parks Half Marathon - hand in hand with her daughter.

The Fife mum said it is only with the support of her daughter Lisa that she has been able to come this far with her running and sign up for the town’s first long distance race to be held in 27 years.

The event on Sunday, August 25, will be the first time Jacqueline (63) and Lisa (39), who lives in Glenrothes, have taken part in a half marathon and it will be the longest distance the pair have ever ran.

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Jacqueline, who is retired and lives in Coaltown of Balgonie, explained why she decided to sign up: “Lisa signed up in March but I waited to enter until day before transfer date closed as I was unsure of my ability and confidence,” she said.

Jacqueline and Lisa are both looking forward to the event. Pic: Walter NeilsonJacqueline and Lisa are both looking forward to the event. Pic: Walter Neilson
Jacqueline and Lisa are both looking forward to the event. Pic: Walter Neilson

“I got a place from someone who had dropped out through injury only about seven weeks ago and have been training as hard as I can since then.

“I have over the years watched other people running and never thought I could do it myself.”

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From left: Rebecca Reader, cllr Alistair Cameron, Anna McKenzie, Jim Taylor (KPHM committee) Susan McGill, Steve Mitchell.From left: Rebecca Reader, cllr Alistair Cameron, Anna McKenzie, Jim Taylor (KPHM committee) Susan McGill, Steve Mitchell.
From left: Rebecca Reader, cllr Alistair Cameron, Anna McKenzie, Jim Taylor (KPHM committee) Susan McGill, Steve Mitchell.

Jacqueline she started running at the end of last year:

She said: “I started ‘couch to 5k’ on November 1 around a local industrial estate as I was not confident going out on my own - I had never run before in my life!

“Lisa did the same and had not run either.

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“She started running in June, and watching her progress spurred me on to try too.

“We both joined Kirkcaldy Wizards and did the 5k to 10k training which we thoroughly enjoyed.”

The duo also started doing the parkrun in Beveridge Park in Kirkcaldy every Saturday morning.

“I have done 15 park runs and 13 of them were in Beverdge Park where we like it best.

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“Lisa and I did the Glenrothes 10k road race in June this year along with my son Mark who travelled up from London to do it with us.”

Jacqueline said she and Lisa train with Kirkcaldy Wizards most Monday and Wednesday evenings as well as doing the parkruns in Beveridge Park on Saturdays and fitting in other runs in between.

And while she is looking forward to the challenge, there is one part of the half marathon she is not so keen on tackling.

“The part I am most dreading is between Dysart Harbour and Ravenscraig Park gates as by this time we will have been running for just under two hours and part of it is uphill – and probably also near the finish going up Milton Road which is quite a long road at the end of the run.”

But she hopes the day will be a big success.

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“We are both very excited about the challenge and very much looking forward to taking part in this big event for Kirkcaldy,” she said.

“We hope it will be a bit success and continued for many years to come.

“We will be running with our fellow Wizard group members.

“There are a lot of wizards of all different ages and abilities and we will all help each other on to reach that finish line.”

Jacqueleine urged more volunteers to come forward and help out on the day, adding: “Even if people are not running, they will be participating in what will be a great day for Kirkcaldy and everyone involved.

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“This will be one of my biggest achievements of my life to run this with my daughter Lisa at my age.

“I will be so happy when Lisa and I cross that finishing line hand in hand on the 25th.” Meanwhile, organisers of the half marathon have announced that The Buffalo Farm in Auchtertool is sponsoring the event along with Susan McGill Designs.

Steve Mitchell, owner of The Buffalo Farm, said: “We are so pleased to be part of such an exciting, vibrant new event bringing so many people to our local area.

“On race day itself, you will be able to treat yourself to a post-race buffalo burger and we may have a few of our Pygmy Goats with us – our kids can keep your kids entertained!”

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While Susan McGill designs are providing bespoke bags for race finisher goodybags.

Susan said: “Susan McGill Designs are delighted to be involved with sponsorship. It is terrific to see an event like this happening in the town.”

Volunteers are still needed. Anyone wanting to help out on the day should email: [email protected]

Big race raises funds for Maggie’s Fife

Maggie’s Fife has been nominated as one of the charities runners can fundraise for in the Kirkcaldy Parks Half Marathon.

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The town’s cancer care centre can now enjoy a fundraising boost as a result of the event.

Tumong Edwards, centre fundraising manager, said: “We are thrilled the organisers have nominated Maggie’s. All the money raised through collecting sponsorship will help those facing cancer when they need it most.”

If you are taking part in the race and want to raise funds for Maggie’s you can download a sponsor form at:

And if anyone would like a Maggie’s running vest they can get in touch by emailing: [email protected]

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