Let there be light at St Andrews LTC

Greg Newman, provost of St Andrews Community Council, and recent president, Eliza McLachlan, flick the switch on the new lightsGreg Newman, provost of St Andrews Community Council, and recent president, Eliza McLachlan, flick the switch on the new lights
Greg Newman, provost of St Andrews Community Council, and recent president, Eliza McLachlan, flick the switch on the new lights
The lights were shining on St Andrews LTC as the club gets ready for a new season.

Elected representatives joined club members at the courts for the switching on of the local group’s new floodlight system.

The development has been helped thanks to a £20,000 donation from the common good fund towards the bill of £45,000 for LED and super-efficient lights over five courts.

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The tennis club is planning further improvements and a community-accessible and disabled-accessible kiosk and toilet, with assistance from Fife Environmental Trust. There are also plans in place for new fencing to be installed at the club which has a membership of around 500.

More members and visitors are always welcome. Visit www.standrewsltc.org for details. The club has extended its thanks to all of those who have helped with these projects including local councillors and sponsors, JBWSmith.