Tyler McLelland is making great progress in boccia

Glenrothes boccia player Tyler McLellandGlenrothes boccia player Tyler McLelland
Glenrothes boccia player Tyler McLelland
Glenrothes boccia player Tyler McLelland continues to improve as he was a beaten finalist in the Lothian invitation tournament earlier this month.

After cruising through qualifying, the teenager exacted revenge on a player who had beat him 11-0 last time around, by winning 5-2 in the semi-final to set up a final against Fiona Muirhead.

However, the showdown was one game too many on this occasion. Tyler played his heart out in the final against Fiona but had to settle for runner-up position.

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This was by far Tyler’s best competition result to date. Mum and coach Emma was pleased with Tyler’s performance and indicated that Tyler gets stronger with every competition and certainly more tactically astute.

Tyler trains at the Michael Woods Sports & Leisure Centre on the competition court provided

by the Fife Sports and Leisure Trust. Tyler plays with competition balls purchased in Spain and financed by the Order of St John in Fife.

Disability Sport Fife is currently in discussions with Scottish Disability Sport to try and access a series of masterclass sessions with Scotland’s leading BC4 boccia players.

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Meanwhile, Four Disability Sport Fife bowlers travelled to Lothian for the lawn bowls championships and reached the final stages of their respective sections.

Glen Livingston (west of Fife), Billy Allan (Cowdenbeath), Brian Crombie (central Fife) and Stuart Chesby (Dunfermline) were the quartet. Glen won his first title in para bowls beating Billy in the non-restricted section. Brian finished third and Stuart won the

restricted section for ambulant physically disabled bowlers.

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