US college stars no match for Chloé

Chloé Goadby. Pic by Leaderboard Photography.Chloé Goadby. Pic by Leaderboard Photography.
Chloé Goadby. Pic by Leaderboard Photography.
St Regulus golfer Chloé Goadby made her mark on the big stage as she and her Stirling Uni team mates dominated in the USA.

The team was one of 15 student sides invited to be part of the The Yale women’s golf team’s Yale Intercollegiate, played over New Haven.

Typically the sides from the US all fancied their chances to win in both the team and amateur titles.

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But it was the Scots who returned home with the honours, Chloé, from St Andrews, scoring -2 for her two days to win the individual title from team mate Hazel MacGarvie and Maya Walton of Princeton.

The Stirling students were also prolific in the team event, their finishing score of +12 some ten stroke clear of Lemar and 14 from Delaware and Harvard.