Four Go Wild in Wellies at Lochgelly Theatre

The Four Go Wild in Wellies performers aim to provide a fun-filled show for little ones. (Photo: Brian Hartley)The Four Go Wild in Wellies performers aim to provide a fun-filled show for little ones. (Photo: Brian Hartley)
The Four Go Wild in Wellies performers aim to provide a fun-filled show for little ones. (Photo: Brian Hartley)
Indepen-dance 4 is to bring its award-winning show for 3-5 year-olds, Four go Wild in Wellies, to Lochgelly Centre on Sunday, February 3, at 11am and 2pm.

Featuring bobble hats, scarves, tents that have a life of their own and, of course, lots of fun in wellies, Four Go Wild in Wellies is a playful look at the joy of inventiveness and curiosity; the negotiation of social structures; how friendships are built, broken and mended; the spectrum between collaboration and competition; and play that emerges from interaction with each other and with the world around including, particularly, the natural world.

The show has been created with the company by director Anna Newell, award-winning composer David Goodall and choreographer Stevie Prickett.

Tickets are available from ONFife

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