Nominate your talented Fifers for a Local Hero award

Celtic Moves - winners at Kingdom FM Local Hero awards 2017 (Pic: Steve Gunn)Celtic Moves - winners at Kingdom FM Local Hero awards 2017 (Pic: Steve Gunn)
Celtic Moves - winners at Kingdom FM Local Hero awards 2017 (Pic: Steve Gunn)
Can you follow in the footsteps of an Irish dance group and be an award winner?

Kingdom FM Local Hero Awards are on the search for the region’s best home grown talent.

The event has a category dedicated to celebrating the incredible individuals and groups based in the area.

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It’s a relatively new addition to the annual awards – this is only its second year – but it is one which is a golden opportunity to acknowledge the commitment and successes of local talent.

In 2017, the Home Grown Talent category winners were Celtic Moves, and that earned the Irish dance group the chance to also perform on stage on the night!

Celtic Moves was started by Elsie Ballingall, a highly respected teacher in the Irish Dance World.

She has led a host of Fife dancers on to successfully compete in a range of competitions.

Celtic Moves currently trains in Glenrothes.

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Classes are open to children from the age of five right up to adults 50-plus.

Plans are in place for dancers to eventually share their passion with young budding Riverdancers across the UK and Europe.

The challenge is to find worthy winners to succeed Celtic Moves.

The category, sponsored by Fife College, is open to all Fifers – from jugglers and acrobats to stand-up comedians and singers.

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It is one of 13 categories which will be revealed at the awards dinner later this year.

Nominations for all are now open.

Among the 13 categories, are fundraising, top school, child, volunteer and carer of the year, as well as awards for our sports stars and best businesses.

The Local Hero Awards are in their 11th year, and, during that time, have honoured many groups and individuals.

Some 420 Fifers have been short listed and celebrated for their selfless work in our schools, workplaces, communities and homes.

To nominate visit HERE KingdomFM

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